Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ett stort hjärta till min kära svägerska som nyligen flyttat från storstaden till vackra Gotland och landsbygden, med barn och hästar och kaniner och katt. BRA GJORT och tack att du finns!

Un cuore grande per la mia cara cognata che recentemente ha lasciato la capitale per trasferirsi in campagna nella bellissima isola Gotland con due figlie, due cavalli, due conigli ed il gatto. BRAVISSIMA e grazie per essere "tu"!

A huge heart for my dear sister-in-law who recently moved from the capital to the country on the beautiful island of Gotland, taking with her two daughters, two horses, two rabbits and the cat. WELL DONE and thank you for being you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Roby, for beeing you. Loving, caring, inspiring and so on.

The little sister-in-law.