Wednesday, August 27, 2008

E´tempo di uno dei miei progetti preferiti a scuola. I funghi: conoscenza, selezione e categorizzazione. Domani facciamo la prima raccolta nel bosco, e da domani i miei colleghi mi riempiranno di scongiuri e di minacce per liberare il corridoio fuori dalla mia aula dall'odore emanato dai funghi distribuiti per terra su vassoi. Faró loro una torta come compensazione, magari un tortino ai funghi?

Det är dags för ett av mina favorita projekt på skolan. Svamparna. Vi plockar i skogen och vi delar ut dem på brickor i olika kategorier. Jag vågar sällan äta de av mig plockade svampar, men projektet är helt underbart och vi lär oss massor. Mina kollegor kommer att stöna och skälla pga lukten från svamparna i skolans korridor. Jag får väl baka dem en tårta som kompensation. En svamppaj kanske?

It is high time for one of my favourite projects in school. It's mashroom-time! We are going mashroom picking in the woods tomorrow and then we categorize them on trays in the allyway outside our classroom. My collegues will threaten and bribe me to take away the smell, just as they always do. I shall bake them a cake as compensation, may be a mashroom pie?


Ursula Achten said...

I love love love picking mushrooms!!
You're not allowed to eat them with the pupils, aren't you??

Il Viaggio said...

Hi Uschi! I love your work and your photos. No, we are not allowed to eat, just to study, but today one of my pupils placed a cep on the fire that we had made for lunch and when I saw her enjoying it so much I pretended I did not notice her eating it...but that was a risk from my side. Have a nice evening.